Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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The carved stones come in a huge variety of sizes: there are some that will fit in the palm of
your hand, others about as large as a medium sized dog and all sizes in between. Every stone
depicts an image etched into the surface of the rock in continuous lines, not scratched on by
repeated lines. Geologically, they are a form of andesite, a very hard volcanic rock that varies in
color from grey to black and is quite difficult to etch using hand tools. (Andesite comes in various
forms – coal is also a type of andesite)
Notably the etched sections on the rocks reveal a different color than the original patina that
appears on the outer surface of the stone and yet the etched grooves also reveals signs of this
patina indicating that the etching was done a very long time ago. However patina can also be
faked and so one of the stones was also sent for testing to laboratories in Germany who have
since authenticated both the patina and the incisions of the etchings as being extremely ancient.
To briefly explain the dating of carved stone: Radio carbon dating, commonly used on such
things as pottery or clay figurines, cannot be used on rock because rocks contain no organic
material, however the surface of rock has a ‘varnish’ coating covering it which is the result of
bacteria and other minute organisms that adhere to it over time. Old rock will have a coating of
this thick black varnish which is known as ‘Patina’ on its surface. A good strong patina takes
thousands of years to darken, discolor and eventually form a solid coating on each stone. Etching
the surface of the stones naturally removes this layer of varnish. On the Ica stones however, this
layer of patina can also be found within the etched grooves which indicates that the etching was
done an extremely long time ago. At least long enough for the varnish to build up again.
Many of the scenes depicted on the Ica stones are quite astounding (fig.16) and seem well
beyond the knowledge of an uneducated farmer from a small Peruvian village.


There are stones showing genetic codes, and the prolongation of life, some that show blood
vessels being reconnected via re-absorption tubes. One stone depicts a cesarean section while
using acupuncture as a form of anesthetic. There are many stones that clearly depict people
riding on dinosaurs (fig.17) and on flying reptiles (fig.15).
There are stones depicting natives wearing tall crowns and long robes similar to the Incas in
appearance while performing medical procedures on patients (fig.18). Some even depicting heart
and brain transplants. Others show men, using telescopes to view an approaching comet (fig.19).
There is a series of four stones that show the four hemispheres of the earth and studies have
now shown that all of them are reasonably accurate except that one shows an extra continent that
is no longer there (fig.20).
It’s interesting that lost continents are such a constant theme of so many ancient myths isn’t it?

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