Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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The mysteries of the skull, however, do not end there. The skull has been fashioned in such a
way that the zeugmatic arches (the bone arches that extend along the sides and front of the
cranium) are accurately separated from the skull piece, and act as light pipes, using the principles
of optics, to channel light from the base of the skull to the eye sockets, the eye sockets are
miniature concave lenses that transfer light either from the ‘bone arches’ or from a source below
into the upper cranium. While in the interior of the skull is a ribbon prism and small light tunnels
which greatly magnifies and brightens objects that are held beneath the skull.
Strange powers and manifestations have also been attributed to the Mitchell-Hedges skull.
During his years of testing the skull at Hewlett-Packard, Frank Dorland says it sometimes
displayed strange characteristics. Dorland says that often the eyes would flicker as though alive
and still other observers have reported strange odors and sounds emanating from the object. It has
been known to give off sensations of heat and cold to those who touch it, even though the actual
crystal has always remained at a constant physical temperature of 70 degrees F under all
conditions, and has also produced sensations of thirst and sometimes of taste in some instances.
Dorland and other also took strange photographs of the skull in which object could be seen within
it such as strange flying discs and mountain temples. The skull has also many times been reported
to emanate a glowing aura. Other observers have reported that occasionally the skull will change
color. Sometimes the frontal cranium may become cloudy up while at other times it remains
perfectly clear, sometimes it will start off cloudy and then clear right up as if the space within the
skull had ‘disappeared into an empty void.’ Over a period of 5 to 6 minutes, a dark spot often
begins forming on the right side and slowly spreads until it has blackened the entire skull, then
recedes and disappears as mysteriously as it came.


Still others, including Mitchell-Hedges himself have said the skull holds a curse and for this
reason it is also sometimes known as the “Skull of Doom.” Mitchell-Hedges is known to have
referred to the skull as “the embodiment of evil” and said that “some people who have laughed
cynically at the skull have died while others have become stricken and seriously ill.” It is doubtful
any such curse actually exists, at least not one that will kill as is believed to be the case with the
infamous “Hope Diamond”, in fact, it maybe quite the opposite. Mitchell-Hedges was in

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