Earths Forbidden Secrets By Maxwell Igan

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reader of the book then wrote to Sitchin confirming the forgery which he reported on in a later
book entitled ‘The Wars of Gods and Men’ in which he says:
“At the end of 1983, a reader of that book came forward to provide us with family records
showing that his Great-Grandfather, a master mason named Humphries Brewer, who was
engaged by Vyse to help use gunpowder to blast his way inside the pyramid, was an eyewitness to
the forgery and, having objected to the deed, was expelled from the site and forced to leave Egypt


It is therefore somewhat strange that still in 2006 any book on the Giza complex you may pick
up released by mainstream Academia still states that the smaller Giza pyramid was built by the
Pharaoh Menkara even though the fraud was exposed almost immediately is widely known about.
It is interesting that smooth sided square based pyramids were never part of ancient Sumerian
construction yet Sitchin also offers us pictorial evidence in the form of 6000 year old
Mesopotamian Clay Tablets clearly depicting a smooth sided square based Pyramid during
construction (fig.78a) and celebrations after its completion (fig.78b) and one clearly depicting the
serpent symbol of the Sumerian God Enki (fig.78c) presenting us with further proof that the
monuments were known to the ancient Sumerians of 6000 years ago and of their far greater
antiquity than is currently theorized. There is also documented evidence in 6000 year old
Sumerian texts which mention the construction of an abode called the EN.KUR which translates
as ‘House that like a Mountain Is’ and describes how the structure was eventually abandoned due
to a conflict and had its cap-stone removed. These texts also mention the hurried hacking of an
emergency shaft to rescue someone imprisoned inside the EN.KUR by huge sliding stones, which
adequately explains three enigmas of the Great pyramid all in the one text!

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