15 • 37
The public accountant accepts the responsibility of sustaining
The following functions are not generally allowed:
an auditor
criteria that would be viewed as independent and unbiased
with direct or material indirect financial interest in the enter-
by one with knowledge of all facts. In all matters relating to
prise; an auditor who had any joint, closely held business
an engagement, an independence in mental attitude is to be
investment with the enterprise or any officer, director or
maintained by the public accountant.
principal stockholder which was material in relation to his orher firm’s net worth; an auditor who was connected with theenterprise as a promoter, underwriter or voting trustee; anauditor who was a trustee for any pension or profit-sharingtrust of the enterprise.
Independence and freedom of any obligation are required by
Serving as an officer of the company, as a partner, employer
the Statement of Auditing guidelines of the ICPAS; restrictions
or employee of an officer, or as the person responsible for
are specified in the Companies Act.
keeping the register of members or of holders of debenturesfor the company; holding a debt to the client or a relatedcompany of more than $2,500.
Africa and Middle EastSaudi Arabia
The auditor and his or her staff must be completely indepen-
Any function that impairs independence
dent, impartial, and objective.
A member of ICPA(K) in public practice should be, or should
Not available
be seen to be, free of any interest which might detract fromobjectivity and integrity in each assignment that he or sheundertakes.
Exhibit 15.4.