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102 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind

facts, Server actions, and Contributor plans. These entities, though, were
unaccompanied by either Mercy feelings of appropriateness or by Teacher
understanding, and he completely ignored the Mercy feelings and Teacher
words of those who were close to him.
Researchers have discovered two behavioral tests which can only be
completed with an intact dorsolateral frontal cortex. The first is a simple
one that researchers use on monkeys, called delayed response. An animal
is placed in front of two covered containers. The monkey watches as a
person lifts up one of the lids, puts some food in the container, and then
replaces the lid. After a delay of a few moments, during which the animal
is forced to look away from the containers, the monkey is then permitted to
reach for the food, which requires remembering in which container it was
placed. If the monkey finds the morsel, then for the next test, the food is
placed in the other container.
“Delayed Response performance in monkeys has been shown to depend
upon dorsolateral prefrontal [another word for frontal] cortex...The
association between Delayed Response and dorsolateral prefrontal cortex is
one of the best established brain-behavior relations in the study of cortical
localization.” 8
I suggest that the delayed response test depends upon the knowing of
the Perceiver internal world. Remember that a Perceiver fact is a set of
connections between Mercy experiences. In this case, Perceiver strategy
must know which container is connected with the food, and which is not
connected with the food. The alternation and distraction ensures that
automatic Perceiver thought is insufficient: The location of the food
alternates, therefore repetition cannot be used to build up a sense of
reasonableness. Moreover, the location of the food must be remembered.
Thus, the visual object recognition provided by automatic Perceiver cortex
is inadequate. In order to remember the current location of the food, the
monkey must observe where it is placed and pull this connection between
food and container into the internal Perceiver world as a belief.A
This connection between belief and behavior is seen clearly in the
second test, called the Wisconsin card sort, which is given to humans.
Performance of this task also depends upon the integrity of the dorsolateral
frontal cortex. The test uses a set of cards similar to a normal deck of cards.

A Belief, I suggest, involves the right dorsolateral frontal cortex. The

monkey must also choose to do the action of reaching for a container, or
not to do the action of reaching for it. This choice involves the internal
world of Server thought, which I have suggested is located within the left
dorsolateral frontal cortex. It is possible that either the Perceiver or the
Server internal world would be sufficient for carrying out this test. Thus,
the monkey would only be impaired after damage to both right and left
dorsolateral frontal cortices.

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