Mercy plus Perceiver 105
As far as Perceiver thought is concerned, however, all that matters is
connections. Are individual experiences linked? If they are, then Perceiver
strategy has discovered a fact. Therefore, if „jumping off the cliff‟ is
always connected with „going splat,‟ then Perceiver mode will decide that
a fact exists about „falling.‟ We give many names to Perceiver facts which
involve time: cause and effect, sowing and reaping, cost/benefit, work and
wages. In each case, Perceiver strategy tries to connect Mercy experiences
which are separated by intervals of time.
Actually, I suggest that the division between space and time is
somewhat artificial. Events which are connected over time are generally
related spatially as well. The bottom of the cliff, for example, always lies
below the top where the jump occurred. A similar ambiguity occurs with
space: The mind seems to be incapable of grasping all of a spatial object at
the same time. Rather, the eye scans a scene and focuses upon one aspect
after another, building up a mental image over time. Advertising makes a
science out of guiding what the eye sees when. Even physicists have given
up referring to space and time as separate entities and now speak of a
„space-time continuum.‟
Art and Belief
We have come up with a few principles about Mercy and Perceiver
strategies. First, we learned that object recognition is carried out by
automatic Mercy and Perceiver thought. Then, we realized that automatic
thought and the internal world both operate in similar ways. Finally, we
saw that objects actually come in the two flavors of spatial objects and
temporal objects. If automatic Perceiver and Mercy strategy work with two
types of objects, then we should also find these same two kinds of
structures present within the internal world. What are these mental
objects? Let us use logic to construct an answer out of our existing pieces
of information.
First, we know that Mercy experiences enter the internal Mercy world
either because of their innate overwhelming emotion, or else through a
willing identification with an experience. Second, we also know that
Perceiver facts are ushered in through the step of belief.A Third, we have
learned that Perceiver facts build connections between Mercy experiences.
Therefore, we conclude that the interaction between the internal worlds of
Perceiver and Mercy thought will involve Perceiver systems of belief tying
together individual Mercy experiences related to feelings and to identity.
And, we should also find that these mental structures come in two
flavors—one related to space and the other to time.
A Like Mercy identification, Perceiver belief can either be voluntary or else
forced upon the internal world. We will examine this topic in detail later on.
Right now we are ignoring the source of Perceiver beliefs.