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114 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind

This leads us to the following general conclusion: „Life‟ requires a set
of lasting, integrated memories residing within the Mercy, Perceiver,
Server and Teacher internal worlds.A All four modes of thought are
required, if any one is missing, then life will be temporary.
Notice that there is a direct relationship between mental „life‟ and
„death,‟ and Perceiver labeling of „truth‟ and „error‟: Mental and physical
integration make life possible. Fragmentation in contrast leads to both
physical and mental death. In Perceiver language, therefore, life is „true,‟
for it describes a permanent connection. „Death,‟ in contrast, is „false,‟
because its components do not remain connected over time.

Some Conclusions

I have compared this book to a journey through the contours of the
mind. In a sense, I am like a tour guide, leading you from one tourist site to
another. Except, what are the tourist sites? Which locations are worth
visiting and which places are less important? Unfortunately, when it comes
to a tour of the mind, just about everyone has different ideas about what
should be seen and which locations should be ignored. Therefore, as we
wend our way from here to there, I need to point out why we are visiting
each location.
We started our tour by looking at Mercy and Perceiver strategy. The
reasons for this choice are fairly obvious: Mercy thought is the first to
develop in the human child. Therefore, it is logical to begin our study of
the mind with this „location.‟ From there it is a short step to Perceiver
mode and then to the interaction between Mercy and Perceiver thought.
Our choice also makes sense from the viewpoint of travel. At the
beginning of the book, I suggested that a successful journey usually starts
by looking at the map and reading through the tourist guidebook. We now
know what these two elements are: The map is Perceiver thought, and the
tourist guide is contained within Mercy memory. Therefore, again, we
started our discussion with these two modes of thought.B
During the last few pages, I have tried to give an overview of the task
of mental programming. Rather than just asking you to follow me blindly, I

A These are the four strategies which reside in the cortex of the human

brain. The other three modes of thought are subcortical—they build upon
these four strategies. They form the mental pump which drives „life.‟
B Why then am I the tour guide? Because, as a Perceiver person I have

worked out the map of mental programming, and as a person, I have
applied these principles to me—which lives within Mercy thought.
Therefore, I am conscious within the Perceiver „map‟ and I can see the
Mercy „locations‟ through my „window‟ into the Mercy „room.‟ A
Perceiver person, in general, makes a good tour guide.

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