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Knowing versus 'Knowing' 179

'believer' that he will be translated instantly to paradise if he blasts himself
and others to smithereens as a suicide bomber.A How is the „traditional,‟
„civilized‟ youth supposed to reject this hypnotic suggestion? He has no
common sense upon which to fall back—to break him out of his mental
trance. Rather, his experiences indicate that all mental, physical, and
spiritual desires are supplied by people and institutions with emotional
status, be they preachers, rock stars, movie actors, chain stores, temples,
teachers, doctors, or fast food outlets.
We have looked at resolving the conflict between facts and 'facts' by
filling the internal Perceiver world entirely with emotional 'facts.' Let us
look now at the other alternative of following Perceiver logic all the way.
In this case we will wake the Perceiver observer up completely and never
allow him to doze off or go to sleep. This is not a simple process; it
involves bringing Perceiver thought to life gradually in one area after
another. And, waking up the Perceiver observer is only half the battle.
Often it is not immediately obvious which experiences really do belong
together. Life contains many intermediate results which appear to be final
but which are in fact only temporary. For example, suppose that I eat a
whole box of chocolates. First comes the pleasure of cocoa butter rolling
across my tongue. This obviously is the initial Mercy experience—the
„bait.‟ But what is the final result? Is it the heavy feeling in the stomach
that comes from eating too much chocolate? Or is it the acne which breaks
out on my face? Or the roll of fat which develops around my waistline?
Needless to say, the final result is generally the last to emerge, and this
connection obviously will not be discovered unless one allows sufficient
time for temporary results to fade away and the permanent state to

The „cold war‟ of Perceiver thought:
 Our physical bodies stop us from totally obeying emotional 'truth.'
 Feelings of guilt and failure limit our use of common sense.

A If blowing yourself and those around you to pieces in defense of the
'faith' leads instantly to heavenly paradise, then one would think that
religious leaders who teach these principles would be the first to practice
them. Certainly they would also want to participate in the promised
B One can learn a lot, in this regard, from parents who are unworthy of

respect. Obviously, long-term results in some way were bad, or they would
in contrast be worthy of honor. What happened? Asking, and then
answering this question not only diminishes the emotional glare of parental
memories, thus lifting hypnosis, but it also teaches Perceiver strategy how
to think.

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