194 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind
examine Contributor thought. For now, notice that whenever a vacuum
exists which is consistent with rational thinking, it is filled by something
which follows common sense and which functions fairly well.A
Unfortunately, none of this amazing stuff
will work unless two more opportunities are
stifled. The first is the opportunity of
physical force. Suppose that I am a one
hundred kilogram „gorilla‟ and I happen to
see a fifty kilogram weakling wearing a
brand new pair of runners—in my shoe size.
Here is an opportunity. I can force him to
give me the runners. Or, suppose that I am a
fifty kilogram weakling with a gun who
happens to see a one hundred kilogram
gorilla with a nice pair of runners—also in
my shoe size. Now the runt has the force:
“Bang, bang, you‟re dead. Thanks for the
Why do teenagers kill each other over a pair of shoes? Because,
modern man with his civilization is capable of becoming a total savage,
with a mind completely governed by emotional 'truth,' where „might makes
right.‟ Notice the logic. With emotional 'truth,' the biggest emotional
experience defines the 'facts.' Therefore, if I am a bully with big muscles or
powerful weapons, then my importance defines Perceiver 'truth.' When you
and I happen to meet, then my emotional status will convince my Mercy
thought that all experiences center around me, and my Perceiver observer
will be mesmerized by this emotion into 'believing' that you, me, and your
possessions all belong together—under me. Within my mind, you cease to
exist as a separate entity, and because I have the physical force, I can beat
you up, or put a bullet through your head. Will I feel guilty? No, because I
define 'truth.'
So, how should society respond to savages such as these? Should we
„lock them up and throw away the key‟? No. I suggest that this reaction
reinforces their existing primitive mindset. Why can they murder without
giving it a second thought? Because Perceiver mode, the observer which
produces the „second thought,‟ is completely mesmerized by the emotions
of the moment. Therefore, if society lets them „rot behind bars,‟ then it is
confirming to these criminals that bad experiences can be blocked off
permanently without a second thought.
A I am not suggesting that capitalism is the complete answer. This is
because it deals only with physical wealth. However, within its realm of
expertise, it has performed better than any of the alternatives.