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198 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind

Instead, I suggest that the vacuum should be filled with common sense
and logical thinking. What vacuum? The one that is left when everyone
focuses upon emotional 'truth.' The true opportunity, the true generality,
lies with natural law and Perceiver confidence, and when most people are
concentrating on manipulating man-made systems, then the field is left
wide open for rational thought. There is no competition.
I discovered this principle during my research. I often felt that I was
working within an intellectual vacuum. Why? Because most others were
concerned with people and their opinions, whereas I was a stubborn
Perceiver engineer trying to use Perceiver thinking to work out the facts.
The downside was that I did not have much status—it was appropriated by
others who were trying to be important. The upside was that I generally
found myself working in virgin territory, and I stumbled upon one
discovery after another.
I suggest that justice in government is restored in the same way. In
essence, you ignore the system and you pursue common sense.A You forget
about emotional status and you proclaim the facts. At some point, common
sense will triumph over emotional 'truth.' Why? That is the magical thing
about justice. Eventually it prevails, if given a chance. But why? This is
one of the major questions which we will address later in this book. What
fills the vacuum? I suggest that it is common sense based upon mental
principles of cause and effect.
Do you see why I spent years of my life putting thoughts down on
paper? I want to reform government and re-establish justice. I attempted to
use Perceiver logic within the system and was suppressed. I offered to
teach Perceiver thinking to the average person and was ignored. I tried to
pursue Perceiver strategy as a lifestyle and was stifled. In each case, the
enemy was some form of emotional 'truth.' As a result, no path was left
open to me except that of revolution. Not a revolution of weapons. That
method cannot succeed because it uses force to impose 'truth' upon its
opponents. Rather, I seek a revolution of thinking—a paradigm shift. As
the saying goes, the pen is mightier than the sword.
Note that we have gone beyond capitalism and economics. Capitalism
tells me how to amass external goods. True justice shows me how to
acquire internal riches. History suggests that inner wealth will always spill
over to create external luxury. Similarly, when internal possessions are lost,
then it is only a matter of time before external riches disappear as well.

A Ideally, the system should thwart those who pursue emotional 'truth,' and

give freedom to Perceiver guided opportunity. If this is not what happens,
then one reforms the system by acting as if it is so. This does not mean
abolishing government. As long as people follow emotional 'truth,'
government is necessary.

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