Me 211
We have now seen that the same method of Mercy identification can be
used both to pretend that we have reached a goal and to make us feel better
about a mistake. If the same mental mechanism is involved in both of these
situations, then I suggest that our behavior in one area will have a major
bearing upon our capabilities in the other. Suppose that we use Mercy
identification to avoid feeling bad. The result is that we will find it difficult
to reach our goals. Rather, we will find it much easier to avoid difficult
situations and to pretend that we have already arrived. On the other hand, if
we accept our shortcomings, then we also gain the ability to achieve our
When we looked at the internal Perceiver world, we saw that there was
a major collision between the emotional 'facts' provided by culture and the
beliefs of common sense. Now we are finding a similar conflict in defining
me: On the one hand we have the me of Mercy identification, whereas on
the other hand we have the me which results from our physical bodies.
I suggest that the me provided by our physical bodies is in fact related
to common sense. In the same way that the continual repetition of cause
and effect in the external world teaches Perceiver strategy principles of
common sense, so the repetitiveness of continually being stuck within the
same body, with its
consistent form,
abilities and
powers teaches
Perceiver strategy
facts about me.
This is simply
another aspect of
object recognition.
If the Perceiver
observer sees the
same collection of Mercy experiences together enough times, Perceiver
strategy will decide that these experiences belong together and will believe
that this set of connections is a fact. Therefore, if I look at my body and
always see the image of a male Caucasian, then Perceiver strategy will
decide that me and „male Caucasian‟ belong together. Similarly, if I notice
that my body can hold on to a violin and make a succession of tuneful
sounds, Perceiver thought will believe that me and „violinist‟ are
connected. In contrast, if actions of my body are associated with
A This subject of self-initiated action will be analyzed in much detail when
we examine the Contributor.