Me 219
using emotion as a weapon against truth. If Mercy thought can identify
with some Mercy experience with sufficient emotional status, then the
strong feelings will mesmerize the Perceiver observer and stop it from
putting me and the painful memory together.A
I suggest that this mental mechanism is exploited, for example, in
religious confession. Suppose I feel that I have committed some „sin,‟ and
that I suffer from guilt. Now suppose that I confess my sin to my local
priest. His emotional status—after all, he claims to speak for God
Himself—will mesmerize my Perceiver observer and allow him to
program my Perceiver internal world with new 'beliefs.' If he tells me, “Go
in peace, God has forgiven your sin,” then his emotional significance will
convince Perceiver strategy to 'believe' that the connection between cause
and effect has been negated. The result is that my sensation of guilt will be
removed and I will actually feel that my sins are forgiven—as long as my
emotional respect for the priest remains intact. However, if the emotional
status which I give to him and to his church system ever begins to drop,
then his 'facts' will fall within the threshold of uncertainty, I will begin to
doubt that my „sins are forgiven,‟ and the feelings of guilt will return.
Therefore, by accepting forgiveness from the priest, I make him my
emotional master. I now have a vested interest in maintaining the authority
of his person, his organization and his leaders.
Experts can remove feelings of guilt produced by approval conscience:
They can state that me no longer links to bad experiences.
Their emotional status convinces Perceiver mode that this is 'true.'
Of course, the same feelings of forgiveness
can be spread by any person with sufficient
emotional status. If some positive thinking
guru with great charisma gives a weekend
seminar about love and acceptance, this may
also lead to feelings of forgiveness. Likewise,
if I „confess my sins‟ to my close friend, that
also might work. However, I suggest that the
mechanism of „forgiveness by confession‟ is
most effective when strong, lasting emotional
pressure can be focused upon specific Perceiver facts. This is what makes
A The same technique applies to both natural and approval conscience.
With natural conscience, strong feelings are used to attack Perceiver
confidence and mesmerize the Perceiver observer into 'believing' different
'facts.' With approval 'conscience,' the Perceiver observer is already
mesmerized. However, strong feelings can replace the existing Mercy
master with a new master who fills Perceiver thought with new 'facts' that
no longer connect me with bad Mercy results.