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This is precisely what was found by researchers at the National Institute
of Mental Health. They used brain “scanning to measure metabolic activity
in the brain cells of 25 adults who had been hyperactive since childhood
and had at least one child with the same problem. Not only was overall
brain metabolism 8% lower in hyperactive subjects than in a control group,
but also the largest differences were found in two regions of the brain—the
premotor cortex A and the superior prefrontal cortex—known to be
involved in regulating attention and motor control.” 12
This same article also provides an example of how a medical syndrome
can be used to remove feelings of guilt: “In a landmark study that could
help put to rest decades of confusion and controversy, researchers at the
U.S. National Institute of Mental Health have traced ADHD for the first
time to a specific metabolic abnormality in the brain. The findings,
published in the current issue of the New England Journal of Medicine,
could lead to a much needed diagnostic test and should silence skeptics
who maintained that the disorder resided more in the minds of grownup
specialists than in the unruly children they were trying to control. Says Dr.
Alan Zametkin, a psychiatrist at the NIMH who directed the study: „We
would hope that people would stop blaming parents and bad parenting and
intolerant schools for this problem.‟ ” 12 Notice how describing a physical
brain syndrome in a respected medical journal lets everyone off the hook
morally—children, parents, schools, and doctors.

other words, his identity is driven by Mercy and Teacher identification and
unrestricted by either Perceiver logic or Server sequences. This mental
deficit can be the result of physical brain damage. Research has discovered
that the hippocampal region (I have suggested that the right hippocampus
is associated with Perceiver thought, and the left hippocampus with Server
processing) is often damaged in schizophrenic patients, usually because of
a difficult birth. The mental deficit may also be caused by an inconsistent
environment. For instance, parents may expect a certain response from
their children while simultaneously preventing them from generating this
response. If Perceiver thought in the child faces enough of these
contradictory demands, then a solid self-image will never develop and
schizophrenic thought may emerge.
A The premotor cortex is right behind the superior prefrontal cortex and

just in front of the motor strip which divides the front of the cortex from
the back of the cortex.

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