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236 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind

In reconstructed Germany, almost everything works efficiently. Not
only is planning and scheduling possible, but most objects seem to contain
a history of planning. One keeps stumbling across little examples of
German ingenuity in which someone took the care to work out the best
way of doing something before he started building. German machine tools
and cars are well known around the world. The reason for this is that
Germans study principles of natural cause and effect and apply these
principles in the real world. Logical thinking leads to logical machines.
Germany is a clean country. Garbage is sorted, to minimize
environmental impact, before it is thrown away. Germany is also a
beautiful country. The landscape is protected. Every balcony seems to have
a row of colorful flowers. Walking through a German town is also an
adventure. One continually stumbles across restored old houses, pretty
fountains and charming town squares.
The food and architecture in Germany are the opposite of Russia. In
Russia, the only food which seems to taste good is the desserts. In contrast,
everything in Germany is tasty with the possible exception of desserts.
While German chocolate is
awesome, what I really enjoy in
Germany is the bread and the yogurt.
I have never seen so many variations
on the theme of milk. In Russia, the
houses are falling apart while the
cultural hall attempts to look
impressive. In Germany, every home
seems to be solid and well-built. The
prettiest buildings usually are the
houses from the sixteenth century or earlier which have been restored.
Even the drinking seems to be different, with naturally brewed beer being
the alcohol of choice, rather than mind-numbing vodka. The German
drinks in order to be happy, the Russian in order to forget.
Finally, everywhere I look in Germany I see value. The roads are well
built and filled with Mercedes, Audis and BMWs. Buildings which are 400
years old look as if they were built five years ago. This value is reflected in
the German currency. Unlike the situation in Kazakhstan, the beautiful
bills match the well-crafted objects which they can purchase. They hold
their value because they represent value.

Redefining Me

So, where do I want to live? Would I enjoy constant chaos, decrepit
buildings, continual health hazards, and low wages for hard labor that is
often dangerous? Or, would I prefer a world in which planning is possible,
buildings are solid and beautiful, the environment is safe, and I am paid
good wages for work that is usually meaningful?

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