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Teacher Strategy 265

I suggest that good Teacher emotion comes from discovering order
within complexity. Notice that both order and complexity are required in
order to produce a good Teacher feeling. Teacher thought feels good when
many items can be pulled together into one general statement, plan or
theory. In contrast, Teacher thought feels bad when a number of individual
elements exist which refuse to come together, but rather remain
fragmented. The more pieces there are which join together, the better
Teacher thought feels. The more bits there are that remain disjointed, the
worse Teacher strategy will feel. If there are only a few items, then
Teacher emotion will be neither very good nor very bad, and Teacher
attention will probably drift to some other topic.
We could compare Teacher emotion to the
status of a king.A The prestige of the ruler depends
upon the number of his subjects, and the control he
has over his people. He may be an absolute
monarch, but if he only rules over 50 citizens, then
his status is rather low. That is because there is
order, but not complexity. Therefore, Teacher
thought will only feel somewhat good. On the
other hand, the king may have millions of subjects,
and have very little power. This will also reduce
him to insignificance, and keep Teacher pleasure
weak. In this case there is complexity but not order.
The only way the ruler can have status is to have
many subjects, and also have power over his
citizens. Then there is order within complexity.
The result will be strong, good Teacher emotion.B
The same illustration can be used to describe
bad Teacher emotion. If the subjects of a king rebel from his authority,
then he will have negative status—the chaos will create bad Teacher
feelings. The larger the rebellion, or the greater the number of people who
revolt, the worse the Teacher pain. This means that a king who has loose
control over many subjects has the potential for experiencing either great
Teacher pleasure or great Teacher pain. If his citizens begin to cooperate,
there will be order and good Teacher emotion. However, if these citizens
start to collide with one another, the result will be Teacher feelings of pain.
When Teacher thought faces partially ordered complexity, it feels

A For a real king, dictator, president, chief, manager, or boss, this is no

illustration. Teacher strategy within his mind will actually feel these
Teacher emotions.
B If a person originates a general theory that is accepted by many other

people, this will also produce strong positive Teacher emotions.

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