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Teacher Strategy 267

Notice that there are two ways of increasing Teacher emotion. First,
specific shapes can be combined into a general pattern. Second, a pattern
can be repeated. When we examined Perceiver thought, we saw that there
could be both spatial and temporal objects. I suggest that a similar type of
relationship exists between Teacher combination and Teacher repetition.
We will come back to this topic later.
An oval is one of the simplest examples of a general curve. It contains a
flow which ties together lines of different curvature, and it has a symmetry
in which one side is the same as the other. The result is order and
complexity. In contrast, a circle has order but not complexity. It contains
only a single curve. The result is that the sight of an oval produces greater
Teacher emotion than the image of a circle.

The circle is a single curve.
The outline has only one shape.
This has low Teacher emotion.

The oval combines two curves.
The outline has two shapes.
This has more Teacher emotion.
We may think that the outline
of a circle has nothing to do with Teacher theories. However, it is
interesting to note that circles played a major role in the universal concepts
of the ancient Greeks. The circle was regarded by them as
the perfect shape, and every object in the heavens
supposedly traveled in circles. This choice of an object
with perfect order but no complexity, as a basis for
Teacher theories about the universe, led to major
problems. The Greeks never could reconcile the
„perfection‟ and „order‟ of their mental image of „god‟
and „heaven‟ with the complexity which they viewed
around them, and Ptolemy‟s method of explaining the
movements of the planets as a system of circles
eventually broke down under the pressure of scientific
observation.A A breakthrough occurred when Kepler
realized that the planets moved in ovals and not in circles.
The oval was also a general shape, but it had sufficient
complexity to describe the actual path of the planets.
Notice, incidentally, how we see again a mixing between

A We will see later that the same combination of order without complexity

is found in Buddhism. This also leads to a Teacher understanding which
has no room for the intricacies of normal existence.



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