Cognitive Styles 27
Let us step back now and look at the big picture. Notice that the
diagram of mental symmetry contains two axes (we are looking here at the
first of the two diagrams). The top axis describes the type of thinking
which can be used. Thought may be either analytical or associative (the
underlining means that these are defined words which I am using for the
first time). It is fairly well known that analytical thinking occurs in the left
hemisphere of the brain and associative thinking in the right.
The left axis describes the type of information which is used. The
content of thought can be either abstract or concrete. Abstract information
looks at theories and facts; concrete information consists of experiences
and actions. I have mentioned the relationship between thinking and
remembering. Here we find these same two aspects present: Thinking is
described by the top axis whereas memory is shown by the left axis. It
appears that, statistically speaking, the male tends to emphasize abstract
thought, while concrete thought is somewhat more dominant in the
Notice that the diagonals of the diagram are also labeled. They
summarize the way in which information is evaluated. Three modes of
thought—Mercy, Exhorter, and Teacher—operate emotionally. They think
with their feelings. Three other styles of thinking—Perceiver, Contributor
and Server—work with confidence. For them, thought involves knowing.
Finally, you will notice that there is one style—the Facilitator—which
seems to be added almost as an afterthought. As I mentioned in the table of
awareness, this mode of thought has a limited awareness of all of the rest
of the mind. The type of thinking which it uses is neither analytical nor
A There may be additional aspects to the mental difference between the
genders. However, as far as I can tell, this is the best way of explaining
mental traits which researchers say are typically male or female.
Analytical Associative
Abstract Teacher Perceiver
Concrete Server Mercy