Teacher Strategy 273
Branch 'Y'
Trunk and
Branch 'Y'
Trunk and
Branch and
Twig 'Y'
The Fractal
The definition of Fractal:
A fractal item contains the same feature at many different scales.
A tree is an example of a fractal object.
Any object which is fractal will create good Teacher emotion.
Before we go on, let us summarize the various ways of generating good
Teacher emotion which we have discovered thus far. Smooth visual curves
and graceful actions are one way to create positive Teacher feelings,
because many individual items are connected together in a way that flows
smoothly. A smooth curve gives order to the complexity of the individual
elements. If movement is smooth, then feelings of elegance are produced.
Smooth visual curves, in contrast, generate feelings of beauty.
These Teacher forms may be repeated over time. The result is a cycle.
Teacher thought notices the reoccurring structure and feels good.A For
example, cycles such as days, years, seasons, and so on create pleasant
Teacher emotions. It brings order to our complex world of experiences
when we see that the sun continually rises and falls every day, the moon
waxes and wanes, and the seasons follow one another. Even the cycle of
birth and death gives us Teacher comfort. Of course, pain and dying are
very unpleasant for Mercy thought, but as long as our minds are capable of
thinking, Teacher strategy can sit back stoically and wax eloquent about
the order of people and civilizations growing and dying.
dysfunctional in most individuals, and it therefore has problems responding
A Notice the double Teacher emotion. The structure itself feels good
because it gives order to a complexity of items. In addition, repeating the
structure creates positive Teacher feelings.