Understanding Me 277
person‟s head into the clouds, then it might be possible to extend the theory
to lift all of me from the earth.
Second, can we actually learn how to „fly‟? In other words, can me live
within the rarefied air of a Teacher theory? Again, when we look at the
example of the mathematical individual, we find that he is capable of
„building castles in the air.‟ He has learned how to manipulate the gray
haze of raw ideas and turn it into the solid form of a mental edifice, within
which me can find a home—it is a „castle in the air.‟ The only problem is
that the mathematician can only „live‟ within this castle while working on
his theories. In between, he must re-enter normal existence at least
occasionally, in order to feed and clothe his body, interact with his family,
and collect his paycheck.
Qualifications for a Teacher theory that can transform me:
It needs „lift‟ to detach me from my present experiences.
It must contain a „pressurized cabin‟ which can house me.
It requires an „engine‟ to propel me to a new location.
It needs „wheels‟ so it can land after the flight—with me intact.
Third, we have the question of „propulsion.‟ While the mathematician
is capable of „building castles in the air‟ and even „living within his ivory
tower‟ during the periods when he can successfully ignore his physical
body and his personal feelings, his constructions tend to be fixed and
immovable. I suggest, however, that this does not need to be the case,
because Teacher strategy operates easily with time as well as sequences.
The problem is that the theoretical person does all of his sequencing and
time analysis within the static structure of his „ivory tower‟: He runs
sequences of instructions on computers; he analyzes sequences of events in
experiments; he writes sequences of equations down on paper; he reads
and writes books and papers which contain sequences of words and ideas.
If we could somehow take the propulsive power of this kind of sequencing
Wings for Lift
Cabin for me
Wheels to land again