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284 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind

only be true if it is not true.A But isn‟t that a contradiction? Yes, but the
next point will take care of that.
Fourth, the irrational thinking of a stable and „mature‟ civilization
protects the contradictions of mysticism. This is because a mature society
can base the majority of its thinking in emotional 'truth.' On the one hand,
most goods and services are provided by other people. Therefore, citizens
will 'believe' that 'facts' are based in people and their opinions. On the other
hand, because society is mature, it has existed relatively unchanged for
some time, and 'facts' by their stability therefore appear as solid facts. Thus,
because there seems to be no need for active thought, the Perceiver
observer in most people will remain mesmerized. As a result, people will
be unable to see the contradictions inherent in mysticism.
And, if society gives honor and respect to those who practice
meditation, then this Mercy status will convince Teacher thought that the
theory of Oneness is more important, and thus more general, than the
specific experiences of normal life.
What I have just described is a snapshot of traditional Eastern society.
Everyone is expected to carry out his assigned role in life; this exalts
people. And, in many of these countries, Buddhism or one of its
metaphysical kin is lifted up as a state religion; this gives particular honor
to its practitioners.
Let us move on to the question of „lift.‟ We have seen how meditation
can survive and even turn into a state religion such as Buddhism. But,
haven‟t I suggested that a Teacher theory can only give „lift‟ to me if it is
different from me? How then can the Eastern mystic reach Teacher bliss if
his theory is so strongly rooted in Mercy identification? I suggest that
meditation „solves‟ this problem by replacing Teacher „lift‟ with the
illusion of „lift.‟ How can a Teacher theory get around the fact that it is
completely rooted in raw Mercy thought? By making this an essential
element of the theory. Therefore, the theory of Oneness is expanded to
claim that the entire universe has its source in me: “I am god. I am the
ultimate source. Everything flows from me.” Mentally speaking, this is an
accurate statement. The Teacher theory of Oneness is mentally „proven‟ by
the Mercy experience of identification, which equates me with some
external object.
But, physically speaking, everything does not flow from me. The
mystic cannot create a single atom, let alone a budding tree, a mountain
range or the vast stars in the heavens above. How can the mystic maintain
his theory when evidence from his physical body flatly contradicts his
assertion? First, it takes Perceiver confidence to notice contradictions, and

A The Facilitator and Contributor persons are most prone to believing in

general theories which contradict the foundation upon which they are

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