Understanding Me 285
we have already seen that mysticism exploits a mindset based in emotional
'truth.' Therefore, as long as Perceiver strategy remains mesmerized, then
enough people saying something is 'true' makes Perceiver strategy 'know'
that it is 'true.' And, if the mystic acquires emotional status, then his
societal standing will back up his metaphysical claim. He is a source of
'truth' for those around him. 'Facts' do flow from him and his person.
Second, the mystic can deny the evidence of his senses by disregarding
the external world as temporary. In other words, the Teacher contradiction
he sees is only an aberration which will pass. Ultimately, all is one, and
everything does come from me. Why can he regard the cosmos as
temporary? Because he lives within a civilized world which is permanent
enough to provide for his physical needs—another contradiction. Hmmm.
If the mystic desires to suppress this physical evidence he must go
beyond a Teacher dismissal of the physical world. He must also denounce
it in Mercy terms. This is because his Teacher theory of Oneness is rooted
in Mercy feelings. Therefore, the mystic will state finally that the material
world is both temporary and evil; it is Teacher temporary and Mercy bad.
Talk about biting the hand that feeds you. Imagine, the average peasant
works diligently to grow food and build shelter. He then gives part of his
hard-earned wealth to someone who does nothing except sit around and
stare into space. And how does this parasite of society respond? By
pronouncing that the peasant and his physical environment are
irredeemably evil. And what does the peasant do? He accepts this
ungratefulness as deserved. After all, he 'knows' that his Mercy status is
„nothing‟ compared to that of those who meditate.
By now, I have probably given the impression that Eastern meditation
is an avowed enemy of Perceiver thought. Buddhist doctrine supports this
conclusion. One of the core tenets of Buddhism is that 'truth' is not found
rationally, and the Buddhist monk states that his 'doctrine' goes beyond
logic. The aspiring Zen master will actually concentrate on statements
which are logically impossible—called koans—in order to snap his mental
link with common sense.A
Now tell me, how would you react if a group of individuals made a
religion out of killing your race of people and then re-animating, as zombie
servants, those they murdered? How would you respond if this genocidal
tribe invaded your country and made it impossible for you to continue
That is the situation in which I find myself. I was born a Perceiver
person; it is my race; I cannot change the fact that I live in the Perceiver
room and am conscious there. Eastern mysticism operates in environments
in which the Perceiver observer in most citizens is mesmerized. It spreads
by murdering Perceiver logic. Then, it uses the Mercy experiences of
A For example: Imagine the sound of one hand clapping.