Understanding Me 293
sufficient Perceiver confidence to hold on to this mental connection while I
am in the middle of some difficult situation. For instance, I may realize
that my love of chocolate is an example of Mercy thought that is fixated on
emotional experiences regardless of the long-term consequences, but this
general knowledge only helps me if I can hang on to this understanding
while trying to stare down a Belgian chocolate truffle.
Therefore, I suggest that fractal learning is most effective when the
toughest problems are tackled first. In other words, I look for root causes
and then I also deal with root problems. If the general lessons can be
acquired in these areas, then Perceiver (and Server) thought will have
sufficient confidence to apply facts and skills to other situations which are
less emotional. On the other hand, if the big lessons are avoided, then
fractal learning will work against me as the strong emotions associated
with the real issues always threaten to overturn any learning which is done
in other areas. In this case, my only hope is to keep my mind fragmented,
in an attempt to protect the mental pockets of civilization within me from
encroaching advances by the hidden jungle of emotional immaturity.
The most efficient method of learning: Think globally, act locally.
See each specific situation as an opportunity to develop the mind.
Apply general principles to situations which touch me the most.
„Tackling tough problems first‟ means that if everyone develops
thought in the most efficient way possible, then each person will learn to
apply similar mental principles in different areas. This is because the most
emotional situation for me will be different than it is for others. The
biggest challenge for the rocket scientist may be the prevention of an
explosion. The emotional hang-up for the ditch digger may be his marriage
at home. The housewife may be very worried about an exam she is about
to take and the President may be thinking about a break-in at some local
motel. Each person needs to learn the lessons of mental maturity in the
situation which is most emotional for him, regardless of how others feel
about this situation.
Do I sound utopian? Is this starting to look like a castle in the air? If so,
then you know what Teacher thinking is like. It makes sweeping
statements. It learns something in a small area and then turns it into a
general theory by applying it everywhere. In other words, Teacher „flying‟
means leaving the „ground‟ of mundane existence and sweeping through
the air of generalization. There is no point in taking flying lessons if I
remain seated passively on the ground. That is only wishful thinking. Me
will only make it into the air if I allow my personal identity to be
emotionally lifted up by the feelings of a general theory.