320 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind
their most recent adventure. However, after a few rounds of constantly
changing universal solutions, we just shake our heads, shrug our shoulders,
and hope that our dear „flaky‟ friend makes it through his latest intellectual
I suggest that these are symptoms of Teacher instability. Every time a
new general Teacher theory is encountered, it overwhelms the existing
contents of the internal Teacher world and becomes the new defining
theory by which everything is explained. This „universal‟ explanation
usually dies a fairly quick death as it is torn apart by complexity which it
cannot handle. This leaves the Teacher part emotionally vulnerable to the
next grand idea which comes along, and the cycle repeats itself.A
The Teacher person can have major problems with Teacher instability.
He lives in the mental room of theories and therefore must have a general
explanation for whatever he encounters. As we said, the child Teacher can
be the know-it-all, with a simplistic answer for everything. As an adult, he
is capable of generating continual new twists to his universal explanation
for life. Each adaptation of the general theory is seen as the ultimate
answer, and it guides fully his words, sequences and feelings—for the next
few weeks. Pity his poor marriage partner. One month, their life is mapped
out completely in a certain direction. Then, the next month comes along
and a totally different plan emerges full-blown, and it is followed with
equal emotional fervor.
If those around the unstable Teacher person try to maintain some
emotional distance, the Teacher person may interpret this response as
double-mindedness, and react by pulling back emotionally. Unfortunately,
whenever there is conflict between people, Mercy feelings usually enter
into the picture. This Mercy well of emotions will confuse the thinking of
the Teacher individual, and his natural response will be to avoid Mercy
situations which trigger these unwanted feelings. The result is that he
breaks off physical contact with any individuals who do not enter fully into
his current „understanding.‟ This can lead to a rather lonely existence.
Both Mercy and Teacher thought can suffer from instability.
Unstable people give their feelings fully to the latest infatuation.
These two styles need subconscious structure to gain stability.
Perceiver facts make Mercy experiences and identity more solid.
Server skills anchor Teacher theories and understanding.B
A We will see later that Exhorter excitement and boredom provide the
motivation which drives a person to follow the latest theory and to abandon
his old one.
B This is a concept which will be expanded in the next book.