324 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind
world. Brain damage here also leads to specific symptoms. In this case, the
patient remembers and comprehends most individual words, but cannot
combine these fragments of speech into complete sentences.
Let me summarize. Specific words—the basic form of Teacher
theories—are stored at the back of the brain in the automatic part of
Teacher strategy. The internal Teacher world in the front of the brain
assembles these individual words into sentences and higher concepts.
Analyzing the connection between Teacher processing and brain
speech centers is easy. Finding neurological evidence for other aspects of
Teacher thought is more difficult. I suggest that there is a simple reason for
this. Apart from the domain of words and speech, Teacher processing is a
foreign concept to most people. The average individual does not take time
to build general Teacher theories. Therefore, if Teacher mode is usually
undeveloped, then obviously neurology will not notice its lack, when some
region of the brain is damaged. How can you find, or lose, something
which never was there in the first place?
Nevertheless, some evidence does exist. For instance, “studies have
suggested that the left frontal lobe may be specialized for processing
positive affective [emotional] stimuli and the right frontal lobe may be
specialized for negative affective stimuli.” 13 This, I suggest, describes the
relationship between Teacher and Mercy thought in the typical individual.
Mercy strategy, responsible for right hemisphere emotion, is troubled with
feelings of guilt and inadequacy. The person then compensates for this
right hemisphere pain by finding some philosophy which can comfort the
mind with the positive feelings of a general Teacher understanding.A This
interpretation is backed up by another finding. Researchers have
A Personal transformation also uses positive Teacher feelings to make up
for Mercy pain. But, the goal in this case is to transform me so that the
Mercy discomfort can stop.
B r oca's
A r ea
W er nicke's
A r ea
Teacher Thought
Internal World