Split People in a Split World 329
are Teacher feelings. When people acquire the latest gadgets, just for the
purpose of having them, that is an example of a pseudo-culture.A
Second, when the me of Mercy identification lags behind the me of the
physical body, as in our current culture, I suggest that the result will also
be pseudo-theories; let us follow that process: We saw before that the
childish me instinctively pursues short-term emotional benefits at the cost
of long-term pain. By identifying with good experiences which cannot be
repeated, me sets itself up for emotional letdown and disappointment; by
refusing to identify emotionally with painful consequences, me suppresses
the facts and finds itself repeating past mistakes. The overall result is a low
There are two basic ways of responding to this emotional pain. Either
the me of Mercy identification can grow up, accept responsibility for its
garbage, and clean up its mess, or it can continue to ignore the problems
and look to the Teacher part for some kind of emotional comfort that can
hide the hurt. If Teacher thought comes up with a pretense of a general
theory which explains Mercy problems, then the positive Teacher feeling
of understanding will help to disguise the Mercy feelings of emotional pain.
And this is what happens. Since people live in a scientific world which
ignores Mercy feelings and which pursues Teacher understanding, then it
makes sense that they apply this identical strategy to their own personal
problems by generating pseudo-theories. Each Mercy hurt is bandaged
with comforting Teacher words. And, the emotional relief which Mercy
strategy feels when guilt and hurt are rationalized away, combined with the
emotional respect which Mercy thought has for those who teach pseudo-
theories, makes these words appear to Teacher thought as general concepts
with great Teacher order.
Our „modern‟ world breeds pseudo-cultures and pseudo-theories.
1) Technology creates pseudo-cultures.
Technology comes from science, which ignores Mercy feelings.
The gadgets form a Mercy culture devoid of Mercy emotions.
2) Psychology, social sciences, and religions create pseudo-theories.
They analyze Mercy hurts in ways which protect Mercy feelings.
The resulting Teacher theories lack consistency and generality.
For example, suppose that someone has a low „self-esteem.‟ How do
we treat his problem? Not by stating the facts honestly. That would be
politically incorrect. Instead, we say nice things to him, and we teach him
to make positive statements about himself. If the problem remains, then we
A Gadgets can also be accumulated for the status which they bring. This
leads to a culture based upon approval conscience, otherwise known as
„keeping up with the Joneses.‟