(nextflipdebug5) #1



collides with rationalism, 106
complete acceptance, 116
disrupts justice, 128
from parents, 93
inherent blindness, 90
minority rights, 99
provokes theft, 125
restored by fervor, 107
submission to authority, 96
supports approval conscience,
supports Buddhism, 183
universals from specifics, 97
'knowing', 106
defined and illustrated, 89
shortcut to knowledge, 91
'truth'. See 'belief'


aboriginals, 99, 117
alternate definition, 61
defined, 51
initial programming, 90, 102
lack makes rebellion necessary,
require absolutes, 52
required by Perceiver, 53
taught by justice, 129
abstract thought, 21
adult, 125
amygdala, 42, 2 11
analytical thought
adds time to objects, 75
illustrated, 170
anterior commissure, 15
apartheid, 72, 73, 97

no provision for time, 73
apathy, 87
approval conscience, 95
compared to natural conscience,
Aristotle, 135
art, 70
associative thought
illustrated, 28
summarized, 149
awareness, 12
chart, 13

bad, 62
basal ganglia, 14, 25
beauty, 174
Beethoven, 109
belief, 60
constructed with belief, 52
defined, 51
versus 'belief', 90
beneficial interaction, 176
Berkeley, 101
defined as object, 131
location of Perceiver, 66
brain research, 38
Broca‟s area, 210
Buddhism, 158, 183, 184, 185, 186,
destroys Perceiver thought, 186
teaches Oneness, 183
uses meditation, 184

capitalism, 126
catharsis, 134, 145
cause and effect, 74, 105
denied in tragedy, 136
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