(nextflipdebug5) #1

370 A Programmer’s Guide to the Mind

religion, 54
example of internal object, 70
in churches, 146
pleasant self-image, 141
rituals, 72
remorse, 146
right, 62
Romantic era, 108
rule of law, 125
illustrates lack of Perceiver
confidence, 151
learning Perceiver confidence,
people have value, 190
stores not organized, 47


conscious suppression, 56
from wrong foot forward, 224
hearing voices, 35
in Mercy, 35
in the Perceiver, 54
in the Teacher, 218
possible causes, 147
selective thought, 56
symptoms, 225
self-confidence, 139
self-help books, 139
affected by conflicts in 'me', 138
affected by guilt, 142
and self-confidence, 139
attacked when wrong me moves
first, 220
based in general facts, 142
includes time, 142
positive, 112
Server, 13, 20, 22, 23, 24, 45, 48, 59,
64, 75, 85, 139, 143, 170, 190,
209, 217
sexism, 220
sexual harassment, 87
Shell shock, 36
simple styles, 22
single quotes, 90
skepticism, 107
soap operas, 136

software, 15, 16, 24, 122, 123
illustrates analytic thought, 21
uses Teacher processing, 170
stage fright, 22
subconscious, 12
operating, 13
suffering, 167
superstition, 122
avoids guilt, 137

taboo, 115
contains Teacher theory, 190
Tallyrand, 217
blends actions, 172
cannot see rest of mind, 198
compared to king, 172
conflicts with Facilitator, 202
cycles, 178
dictator, 208
enables flying, 168
intellectually shy, 194
learning new theory, 199
lifts emotions, 182
located in brain, 210
located in diagram of mental
symmetry, 170
order within complexity, 172
rhythm, 171
smooth movement, 174
snipes at others, 202
specialization, 197
speech, 170
tests theory by holding it, 198
thinker, 193
uses emotion, 172
utopian sweeping statements, 191
visual path, 171
writing, 171
Teacher automatic thought, 193
despises double-mindedness, 202
labeled correctly, 195
must be filled, 194
must be useful, 195
needs novelty, 202
needs subtlety, 201
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