Perceiver Strategy 69
post-communist Russia, I found that this basic order was not present: I
would go into a little store and find chocolate bars sitting next to ladies‟
pantyhose, cartons of apple juice and penlight batteries. Each shop was an
adventure, for I never knew what treasure I would discover lying in some
obscure corner. In order to remember where I could buy a certain item, I
first of all had to build mental maps of the locations of the various shops.
Then, I also had to remember where the objects were located within each
store: “If you want to buy some margarine, go to the kiosk opposite the
culture hall and look on the top shelf on the right side of the store. You‟ll
find it there beside the notepads.”
Second, I suggest that this book is relevant to non-Perceivers because I
have tried to construct a map which describes all styles of thinking. Rather
than portraying a map restricted to a portion of some mental continent, I
have put together a big picture of the entire human globe. We will be
looking at more than just Perceiver facts. We will also examine Mercy
emotions, Server actions, Teacher understanding, Exhorter excitement and
vision, Contributor planning and business, and Facilitator philosophy and
Perceiver Confidence
With this in mind, let us continue with our current analysis of Perceiver
thought. So far, we have seen a basic similarity between Perceiver and
Mercy mode as well as a major difference. On the one hand, both Perceiver
and Mercy persons use associative processing. On the other hand, while
they both think in the same way, they work with different types of
information: The Perceiver remembers abstract facts, whereas the Mercy
deals with real experiences. We will now look at a second major difference
between Mercy and Perceiver strategy: Mercy thought uses emotion to
evaluate experiences while Perceiver strategy works with confidence.
I suggest that both confidence and emotion can vary all the way from
completely negative through nothing to totally positive. With emotion
these extremes are obvious: We marvel at the sight of mountain scenery,
whereas a cut in the finger hurts. However, confidence—like emotion—
can also come in negative flavors.
Mercy emotion and Perceiver confidence can be positive or negative.
Mercy thought can feel good or bad about an experience.
Perceiver mode can know a fact is true or know it is false.
Mercy feelings and Perceiver confidence can both vary in strength.
Mercy thought can have deep emotions or shallow feelings.
Perceiver thought can be totally confident or else uncertain.
A Not all of these topics are contained within the first volume.