Mercy plus Perceiver 95
facts which are „bad‟ will not always be accepted by the voting public as
„true.‟ Why do we tend to confuse these two sets of labels? We will answer
that question as soon as we have finished laying a proper foundation.
Object Detection
We have only few more pages of dry information to get through before
we get into the „juicy emotional stuff.‟ Just wait. As soon as we start
slogging through some heavy feelings, you will probably long again for the
solid ground of abstract logic. Oh well, one can‟t win. Sometimes we
really do act like the cows who ignore grass under their noses and long for
the succulent shoots tantalizing them just out of reach on the other side of
the fence.
In the last section, we saw
how Perceiver strategy can
connect together Mercy
experiences. I suggest that a
Perceiver collection of Mercy
experiences is called an object.
Thinking in terms of objects
comes so naturally to us that we tend to forget how much work is involved
in building these mental concepts. It was only when engineers began to
build object recognition into robots that the immense mental processing
involved in distinguishing a fridge from a teacup, from Aunt Agatha
standing in front of the fridge and holding the teacup, became evident.
For instance, let us look at the pair of scissors which Aunt Agatha has
just laid down on the kitchen table and see if we can understand how our
mind distinguishes them from the knives which are lying beside them.
When we look at a pair of scissors, we see two round handles
connected with two blades. In contrast, a knife has only one blade and one
long handle. Mercy strategy notices the images of blades and handles;
these memories enter the Mercy room, quite possibly bringing to mind
other experiences and their feelings: “Don‟t run with a pair of scissors. My
second-cousin-once-removed Herman ran with a pair of scissors, tripped
over the family dog and gouged his left eye.” Second, Perceiver thought
looks into the Mercy room from its vantage point next door and notices
connections: “Hmmm. That is the 327th time that I have seen two blades
and two handles hinged together. Maybe they really are connected.” A
A Of course, Perceiver strategy won‟t know that it is 327 times. This is
because numbers are handled by Teacher and Server thought. Perceiver