Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

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Here’s  a   cool    trick   that    some    bodybuilders    use:    They    eat sardines    in  olive
oil—theoretically because the combo of protein and healthy fats in both the
olive oil and the fish help keep them lean. That’s not to say your goal is to
look muscle-bound, but it does provide interesting insight based on a food
choice made by people who are very concerned about how much body fat
they carry. I love sardines, by the way. They get their name from Sardinia,
where they used to be abundant. Give them a try—mash them up with olive
oil and sliced scallions.

Sardines    come    with    a   bonus.  You eat the soft,   tiny    bones   along   with    the rest
of the fish for a calcium boost.

If you are trying to lose weight, you will automatically be cutting calories by
following my plan (as compared to what you normally eat). That’s a good thing.
One study looked at factors contributing to weight loss. Those who had success
decreased their intake by about 375 calories a day. That may not be the precise
number you need to achieve, because there are so many other variables that go
into weight loss. At the same time, the study’s authors reported that increased
consumption in fruits, vegetables, and low-fat dairy contributed to weight loss—
suggesting the method people used to cut their calories. Vegetables are low-
calorie, so you can eat more of them—and get more bang for your buck in terms
of food volume.
FIXES foods generally mean fewer calories—and a smaller body in the long

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