Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

(pertamaxxx) #1


Got a love affair going with coffee? So many of us do. I’m not trying to get
between you and your best caffeinated friend. If you like it, drink it in
moderation and don’t gunk it up with a lot of sugary extras. The big thing
is just to get out of the habit of thinking that you need a cup with you at all
times. It’s more likely you’re just in the habit of sipping something while
you’re working, driving, or watching the kids, and you automatically
assume it has to be coffee. Try alternating drinks—a cup of coffee, then
fruit-infused ice water—and see if that doesn’t support your energy levels
without going cold turkey on your favourite warm drink. Or try some other
options as well:

Use hemp milk or almond milk: They’re both flavourful and are better
alternatives than junking up your coffee with syrups and such. Add a dash
of cinnamon for flavour without sugar.

Make bulletproof coffee: Instead of cream and sugar, add a dollop of
butter and coconut oil. The short-chain fatty acids slow the absorption of
caffeine, which will help stretch the energy you feel over a longer time
period. And the addition of fat will also help you curb hunger. Lisa blends
ours for a few seconds for better emulsion; otherwise, the coconut oil floats
on top.

Try hot water and lemon: This has been trendy in the last few years, and
I’m a fan because the citrus helps get the gastric juices flowing. It gives
you something to sip on (your coffee addiction may be more of a
behavioural habit than a need for caffeine) and has a nice, quiet taste.

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