Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

(pertamaxxx) #1

food and what it can (and can’t) fix. The following seven principles serve as the
foundation for much of what you will read in this book.

The kitchen island is where we all come together to laugh, connect, and prep
meals. Yes, even our grandkids, Philomena and John, help out.

Food can be an answer, but it’s not the only one. There is indisputable
evidence that food plays a major role in how well our bodies work. You can use
food to improve issues involving weight, heart disease, fatigue, and so many
other ailments (you’ll read about the biggies in the next section). But I also want
to make this perfectly clear: Food cannot fix everything.
In some areas, we just don’t know for sure what kind of an effect food might
have. Also, I hope it goes without saying that while food indeed has
superpowers, there are many ailments, diseases, and conditions that absolutely

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