Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

(pertamaxxx) #1


Gargle  with    tap water   for a   minute  or  so. Researchers in  Japan   found   that
people who did this three times a day or more caught fewer colds—and if
they did come down with something, some symptoms were milder than in
those who didn’t gargle.

My diet (and my sleep) protects me. Because I follow the FIXES principles,
my immune defence system is fortified to handle the invaders that enter my
body. And a strong immune system does more than just fend off minor illness; it
helps settle down inflammation, which, as you’ve seen, is the root of so many
medical issues.
The food answer for strengthening your immune system revolves around
making sure you get plenty of vitamins and minerals, which are most often
found in those omnipotent fruits and vegetables. The current thinking is that
micronutrients (vitamin A, D, C, E, B6, folate, B12, zinc, selenium, iron, and
copper) are most responsible for boosting the immune system.
That’s because they fortify the immunity soldiers in your body. If you think
about your immune system as an army of fighters ready to fend off attacks, then
of course you want to provide it with foods that will strengthen it to stand up to
the most powerful invaders. After all, you wouldn’t want your country’s army
fuelled on sugary cereals and nachos. You want it powered with foods that will
sustain its energy to fight the good fight whenever necessary. That’s exactly what
you do with your internal soldiers. You feed them the good stuff.

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