Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

(pertamaxxx) #1


You think   of  orange  juice   when    you think   of  vitamin C,  but you can get a
nice surge of immunity protection from strawberries. Not only are they full
of fibre, folate, and potassium, but they’re also a major source of vitamin
C. It only takes ten of them to fulfilll your daily needs. Put them in
smoothies or yoghurt, have them as dessert, or create a healthy and
satisfying PB&“J”—spread no-sugar-added nut butter on wholewheat
bread, and layer with sliced strawberries.

This is how it all works:
Imagine your body as an airport. Nobody gets into the terminal without
passing through multiple layers of security. Part of your immune system works
as the TSA screening agents, who will put things through a few checkpoints to
see if they’re safe or need to be sent away and destroyed. Sometimes invaders
slip by the TSA agents, and that can be what causes harm.
At the cellular level, it all starts with communication. Cells called
macrophages are always on alert, patrolling the body for trouble, like security
cameras or drug-sniffing dogs. They try to get the lay of the land for the entire

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