Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

(pertamaxxx) #1

Diarrhoea: Though probiotics won’t necessarily repopulate your microbiome,
there is some evidence to suggest that they can help with diarrhoea. For
example, studies have shown that two strains of beneficial bacteria
(Lactobacillus GG and Saccharomyces) can shorten a bout of diarrhoea when it’s
related to taking antibiotics or a dangerous colon bug called Clostridium difficile.
(That bacteria can be deadly. Make sure you see your doctor to establish the
cause for any extended bout of diarrhoea.) And in several studies, probiotics (B.
infantis) can help calm some symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (like
abdominal pain and bloating).

Bloating: Several foods may help you feel less like a parade float and more like
yourself. For example:

Asparagus has a natural diuretic effect that helps flush excess water from your
body. (Cabbage and cauliflower, on the other hand, make you gassy.)

Fennel or fennel seeds can reduce gas and that puffy feeling.

Ginger can help you expel some gas that may be contributing to your pain.

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