Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

(pertamaxxx) #1

Papaya contains a substance called papain that helps your body break down
hard-to-digest foods. It can act as a laxative to help move the bowels and ease
the constipation that may be causing gas and bloating.

Pumpkin can act as a mild diuretic to help you get rid of excess water.

I want to tell one more story to emphasize the important role your digestive
system plays in other systems in your body. When my daughter Zoe was
seventeen, her thyroid levels were so out of whack that her doctor recommended
medication to regulate them. But like most teenagers, she didn’t want to be stuck
on medication, which would disrupt her thyroid function and be hard to wean off
of. So we experimented with diet. She eliminated wheat, dairy, and red meat.
And she didn’t just eliminate, she also added powerful FIXES foods to her plate.
Her thyroid levels went back to normal without meds, and more than five years
later, she hasn’t had a problem since. She is still off bread and red meat, but has
reintegrated dairy, and her thyroid is doing great.

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