Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

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when you have a steady drip of sugar into your system. That’s what causes
mayhem in your body.
Sugar addiction is real: Brain scans show that heavily sugared foods stimulate
the brain’s rewards centre in the same way that cocaine and heroin do. Keep
eating them, and you’ve trained your brain to crave more and more. One study
even found that rats preferred to get their feel-good hits from sweet drinks rather
than cocaine. Over time, we get desensitized and need a bigger sugar fix to get
the same satisfaction.
Your body pays a heavy price. A 2015 review of studies by the University of
California found that excess sugar is associated with increased risk of
developing heart disease and
diabetes. Extra sugar is linked to high blood pressure and triglycerides (a
blood fat that’s associated with heart disease). Eating 25 percent more than the
recommended amount of sugar triples the risk of dying of heart disease. That’s
because too much sugar in your bloodstream leaves damage behind as it blasts
through the linings of your arteries, which puts you at risk of heart attack and
Fix-It Functions: Because sugar has little nutritional punch, I am asking you
to pull way back on it in my 21-Day Plan, so you can recalibrate your body a bit.
Your antisugar weapon: Eating fat and protein together. Fat will keep you
satiated and protein will even out your blood sugar so you have fewer crashes
and cravings for sweet foods. After twenty-one days off the “drug,” you won’t
feel like you need or want sugar the way you do now. You’ll reset your sweet
tooth so you can enjoy the superfood deliciousness of fruits and will hardly need
a sugar fix from other sources. A drizzle of honey and a perfectly ripe
strawberry? Wow.

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