Food Can Fix It - dr. Mehmet Oz

(pertamaxxx) #1


Nuts are packed with good fat and satiating protein, and some research
suggests that they may help lower levels of inflammation, which can help
you stave off various diseases and conditions. It’s an impressive cast of

Almonds can help with weight control, heart health, and insulin sensitivity,
and might even improve the good-bacteria quotient in your gut.

Brazil nuts contain selenium, a mineral that can improve thyroid and
immune function.

Cashews have immune-boosting zinc, as well as copper, which increases
your ability to make red blood cells—crucial for ferrying oxygen
throughout your body.

Hazelnuts have folate, which can help you build strong bones and lower
bad cholesterol while raising the good kind.

Macadamias are high in calories, yes, but they have more of the good
monounsaturated fat than any other nut and even avocados.

Peanuts which, strictly speaking, are a legume, pack even more protein
than nuts and are a great source of phytosterol, which helps control

Pecans have a special type of vitamin E that keeps your brain healthy and
could help lower levels of bad cholesterol.

Pistachios boast fatigue-fighting potassium, as well as lots of fibre.

Walnuts have the most of the plant version of healthy omega-3 fats (called

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