Is the Market a Test of Truth and Beauty?

(Jacob Rumans) #1

ȀȄȃ Partʺ: Economics

Cover, James P., and Donald L. Hooks. “Credit versus Monetary Ļeories
of Macroeconomic Fluctuations.”Atlantic Economic JournalȀȆ( JuneȀȈȇȈ):

Eucken, Walter.Ļe Foundations of Economics. Translated by T.W. Hutchison.
London: Hodge,ȀȈȄǿ.

Fisher, Irving. “Ļe Debt-Deflation Ļeory of Great Depressions.”Economet-

Garrison, Roger W. “Time and Money: Ļe Universals of Macroeconomic
Ļeorizing.”Journal of Macroeconomicsȅ(SpringȀȈȇȃ):ȀȈȆ–ȁȀȂ.
.Time and Money: Ļe Macroeconomics of Capital Structure. London: Rout-

Geanakoplos, John. “Solving the Present Crisis and Managing the Leverage
Cycle.” Federal Reserve Bank of New YorkEconomic Policy ReviewȀȅ, no.Ȁ,
Special Issue (AugustȁǿȀǿ):ȀǿȀ–ȀȂȀ.

Gorton, Gary. “Ļe Panic ofȁǿǿȆ.” Paper delivered at Jackson Hole, August

Hall, Robert E.Booms and Recessions in a Noisy Economy. New Haven, Conn.:
Yale University Press,ȀȈȈȀ.

Hansen, Gary D., and Edward C. Prescott. “Did Technology Shocks Cause the
ȀȈȈǿ–ȀȈȈȀRecession?”American Economic ReviewȇȂ(MayȀȈȈȂ):ȁȇǿ–ȁȇȅ.

Hansen, Gary D., and Randall Wright. “Ļe Labor Market in Real Business
Cycle Ļeory.” Federal Reserve Bank of MinneapolisQuarterly ReviewȀȅ

Hayek, F.A. “Ļe Use of Knowledge in Society.”ȀȈȃȄ. InIndividualism and Eco-
nomic Order, chap.ȃ. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul,ȀȈȃȈ.

Howitt, Peter.Ļe Keynesian Recovery and Other Essays. Ann Arbor: University
of Michigan Press,ȀȈȈǿ.

Laidler, David.Essays on Money and Inflation. Chicago: University of Chicago

Leijonhufvud, Axel.On Keynesian Economics and the Economics of Keynes. New
York: Oxford University Press,ȀȈȅȇ.
.Information and Coordination. New York: Oxford University Press,ȀȈȇȀ.

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