The Future For Islam

(Tuis.) #1

namely to the effect that there should be four rak'lit at midday, four in the late
afternoon, three at sunset, with the prayers of the first two being recited aloud,
four at night with just two being recited aloud, and two in the morning, both
recited aloud."
My own view is that 'A'isha may have meant that before the night journey the
prayer consisted of two rak'lit, recited twice, separately, and then, when the five
were made compulsory they were kept the same while in residence, and that
permission was given that two rak'zt be prayed while travelling, as had been the
case previously. Based on this explanation, there would be no controversy at all.
But God knows best.

Section: Concerning the splitting of the moon in the time of the Prophet (&US).

God did provide the Messenger of God (SAAS) with a sign to prove the veracity
of the guidance and religion of truth he brought, and that was at the time of his
pointing (to the moon).
God Almighty spoke the following in His noble book, "The hour has drawn
near and the moon bas split asunder. And if they see a sign they turn away, saying,
'Just more trickery!' They call it deceit and follow their fancies, while all things
are pre-determined" (surat al-Qamar; LIV, v.1-3).
Muslims are agreed that this did occur in the time of the Messenger of God
(SAAS); traditions with complete lines of transmission, through numerous
paths, provide decisive proof for those who examine it and comprehend it.
We will provide some of those easily available traditions, if God wills it and in
Him is all faith and reliance. We detailed this in our Tafsir (Exegesrs), and there
gave the various chains of authorities and differences in phraseology verbatim.
Here we will refer to some aspects of these and will attribute them to well-known
texts, with the power and strength from God.
That is related from Anas h. Mxlik, Jubayr b. Mut'im, Hudhayfa, 'Abd All&
b. 'Ahbas, 'Ahd Allah b. Wmar, and 'Abd Allah b. Mascad, God be pleased with
them all.
Regarding the hadith of Anas, Imxm Abad stated, "'Abd al-Razzxq related
to us that Ma'mar related to him, from Qatxda, from Anas b. Msiik, who said,
'The people of Mecca asked the Prophet (SAAS) for a sign. And so the moon
over Mecca was split twice. And he spoke the words, "The hour has drawn near
and the moon has split asunder"'" (surat al-Qamar; LIV, v.1).
And Muslim related this, from Muhammad h. &fi' from 'Abd al-Razzxq.
This is one of the texts known as the mursallit al-$ah~ba." And it is plain that
he received it from a large mass of the Companions, or from the Prophet
(SAAS), or from everyone.

  1. A statement of a Companion of the Prophet, and not of the Prophet himself

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