The Future For Islam

(Tuis.) #1

Khuwaylid. The greater virtue of 'A'isha over other women is like that of
al-tharidz3 over other foods."
Ibn Mirdawayh related this in his TafSir (Exegests), and this chain of authorities
is good back to Shu'ba and beyond.
Scholars agree that the quality shared by these three women, Asiyya, Mary
and Khadija is that each of them vouched for a prophet sent by God, gave them
the best of companionship, and believed when they were given their mission.
Mary gave the most complete and full support and credence to her son when
he received his mission.
Khadija wished to have the Messenger of God (SAAS) marry her and gave her
wealth for that, as we have stated previously. She also had full faith in him when
revelation came down to him from God, Almighty and Glorious is He.
His statement "the greater virtue of 'A'isha over other women is like that of
al-tharid over other foods" is also firmly established in both sahih compendia
through Shu'ba, from Wrwa b. Murra, from Murra al-Tayyih al-Hamdani, from
Abn Mnsa &Ash%, who said, "The Messenger of God (SAAS) said, 'There
have been many perfect men, but of women there were only Asiyya, Pharoah's
wife, and Mary, daughter of 'Imrzn; and the greater virtue of 'A'isha over other
women is like that of al-tharid over other foods.'"
Al-tharid is a dish made of bread and meat mixed together. It is the finest food
of the Arabs. As some poets have said:
"When bread is enriched with meat, that, by God's good grace, is al-tharid."
His statement, "The greater virtue of 'A'isha over other women" has the
implication of being comprehensive and encompasses all those women mentioned
as well as others; but it may apply equally to all women, excluding (the afore-
mentioned three). The discussion about her ('A'isha's) status as compared to
those three women would then remain undecided, with the probability of there
being equality among them. Anyone wanting to express a preference for one of
these over the others would therefore need extrinsic proof. But God knows best.

Section: On his mawiage after the death ofKhadija, God bless her, to 'A'isha,
daughter ofAbn Bakr, and to Sawda, daughter ofZam'a, Cod bless them both.

What is true is that he contracted marriage first with 'A'isha, as will be shown.
Al-Bukhari stated in his chapter on his marriage to 'A'isha as follows,
"Mu'alla h. Asad related to us, quoting Wuhayb, from Hishiim h. Wrwa, from
his father, from 'A'isha, that the Prophet (SAAS) told her, 'You have twice been
shown to me in my sleep dressed in a silk cloth. And he (Gabriel) says, "This is
your wife." And when I uncover her, it is you! And so I say that if this be God's
will, then may He bring it about!'"

  1. The word refers to a culinaq dish the base of which is bread to which may be added
    marrow, eggs, meat and spices.

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