The Future For Islam

(Tuis.) #1

"Abrt Qays also said,
'Glorify God at dawn each day His sun rises, and at
every crescent moon.
He knows both what is plain and secret; nothing our Lord
says is misguided.
The birds are His that stray far away then return to
their nests in the safety of the mountains.
The wild beasts of the deserts are His; you see them in
the sand tracts and the shades of the dunes.
The Jews pray to Him and perform every ritual out of fear
of disaster.
The Christians bow down to Him and offer all feasts and
celebrations to their Lord.
The hermit monk is His; you see hi live in poverty
though formerly in ease.
0 my people, do not sever kinship's ties, but ever join
the short to the long.
Fear God when treating weak orphans; sometimes what is
forbidden is considered fair.
And know that orphans have an All-Knowing protector who
guides without question.
Do not consume the wealth of orphans; the wealth of
orphans does have a protector.
My people, do not ignore the bounds; there are limits to
ignoring bounds.
My people, do not feel secure in the future; beware of
its deceit and of time's passage. Realize that time's
passing destroys all things created, young and old alike.
Resolve yourselves for goodness and piety; forsake
indecency and do only right."'

Ibn Ishsq stated, "Abn Qays also composed another piece in which he records
how God had honoured them by the gift of Islam and by having sent His
Messenger (SAAS) down to them. The following line is part thereof:

'He resided among Quraysh a dozen years, preaching in
case he should find there some helpful friend."'

We will give the full text of this poem later, if God wills it, and in Him is all

An Account of the second meeting at al-'Aqaba.

Ibn Ishnq stated, "Muscab b. Wmayr returned to Mecca and the an$& Muslims
came there along with those of their people who were making the &rimage' and
were still polytheists. (The arqar) made a pact with the Messenger of God

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