The Future For Islam

(Tuis.) #1

saw the spider's web over the mouth of the cave, they said, "No one went in
"'The Prophet (SAAS) was at the time standing there praying while Aha Bakr
watched. Aba Bakr then said to the Prophet (SAAS), "Those are your people
searching for you. It's not for myself I am sad, but because I might see something
terrible happen to you."
"'The Prophet (SAAS) replied, "Abn Bakr, don't be afraid. God is with
This tradition from Hasan is incomplete, but it is good as textual evidence. It
includes, however, the praying of the Prophet (SAAS) in the cave; it was his
custom to pray when something saddened him.
This same source, I mean Abo Bakr Ahmad b. 'Ali al-@di, related from 'Amr
al-Naqid, from Khalaf b. Tamim, from Miisa b. Mupr, from his father, from
AbO Hurayra, that Aba Bakr said to his son, "Son, if something should happen
among the people, then go to the cave where I and the Messenger of God
(SAAS) took refuge. Stay there and you will find sustenance come to you both
morning and night."
A poet composed the following line:
"'David's web' IS what protected the occupant of the
cave, and glory goes to the spider."

It is also said that two doves made their nest over its entrance. Al-Sar~ari com-
posed the following line on that:

"The splder roofed it over with his web, and the dove
having eggs remained at the entrance."

The hadith dealing with this was related by the hiif;? Ibn 'As&ir, through Yahyn
b. Muhammad b. Sa'id, quoting 'Am b. 'Ali, who said that 'Awn b. 'Amr Ahii
'Amr al-Qaysi, nicknamed Wwayn, related to us that Aba Mus'ab al-Makki said,
"I am aware of Zayd b. Arqam, al-Mughira b. Shu'ba and Auas b. M~lik as relat-
ing that on the night the Messenger of God (SAAS) went to the cave, God gave
an order to a tree that emerged right in front of him and hid him. God also sent
the spider that made a web between them, so hiding the face of the Messenger of
God (SAAS). He then commanded two wild doves which came fluttering down
and alighted between the spider and the tree. Now the young warriors of Quraysh
approached, one from each of the tribes there, carrying sticks, bows and staves.
When they got to withii 200 yards of the Messenger of God (SAAS) the guide,
who was Swqa b. Malik b. Ju'shum al-Mudlaji, said, 'That's the rock; but I
don't know where he placed his foot.' The young warriors commented, 'You've
not made a mistake since tonight began.' When morning came the guide told
them to look in the cave. He went ahead of the rest until they were some 50 yards
away from the Prophet (SAAS), and then there were the two doves. The guide
came back and they asked hi, 'What prevented you from looking in the cave?' LI
saw two wild doves at its entrance', he said, 'so I knew there was no one inside.'

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