The Future For Islam

(Tuis.) #1

And 'Leven though this was a grave matter" (swat al-Baqara; 11, v.143). That
is, even though this matter was difficult and of great impact and importance,
except for those guided by God. For they had full faith and belief in it, and were
without doubt or uncertainty, but rather were satisfied, had faith and took action,
for they were obedient to the Great Ruler, the Mighty and AU-Powerful, the
Patient and AU-Knowing, the Gracious and Omniscient.
And God's words, "God is not one to consider your prayer as valueless" (swat
al-Baqara; 11, v.143). That is, by His decision regarding facing towards
Jerusalem and prayer towards it, (for) "God is merciful and kid towards
people" (stirat al-Baqara; 11, v.143).
The accounts and proofs of this are very numerous and would take long to
ennumerate; this issue is examined in the exegesis and we will include addi-
tional comments thereupon in our work al-Ahkzm al-Kabir (The Major
Imm Ahmad recounted quoting CAli b. '.&vim, quoting Huvayn b. 'Abd
al-R*mm, from 'Amr b. Qays, from Muhammad b. al-Ash'ath, from 'A'isha,
who said, "The Messenger of God (SAAS) stated, in regards to the 'People of
the Book', that is, 'They envy us for nothing so much as for our Friday to which
God led us, but they erred from it, the qibla that God guided us to while they
strayed, and our saying "Amen" after the Imxm."'

Section: On the institution of the fasting month ofRamadzn in 2 AH, before the
battle of Badr.

Ibn Jarir stated, "It was in that year that fasting for the month of Ramadzn was
made obligatory. It is also said that it was declared obligatory in Sha'bm of that
year. It is related, moreover, that when the Messenger of God (SAAS) came to
Medina, he found that the Jews were fasting for the day of cAshiiral. He asked
them about it and they told him, 'This was the day when God rescued Moses.'
He replied, 'But we have a greater claim to Moses than you do!' So he fasted it
and told his people to do so too."
This hadith is firmly substantiated in both ~ahih collections from Ibn 'Abbns.
God Almighty stated, "0 believers, fasting has been prescribed for you as it
was for those who preceded you, so that you may be properly pious. (It shall be)
for a specific number of days. Those of you who are ill or travelling (shall fast) a
different number of days. And those with the means to do so may redeem this by
feeding a poor person. And whoever does more good than he is bound to do does
good unto himself thereby; for you to fast is better for you, if only you knew it.
It was the month of Ramadm in which the Qur'm was revealed, as a guidance to
man, and as clear proof of guidance and of the differentiation (between good and
evil). Whoever of you are present that month, let them fast it; whoever is sick or
travelling should fast a (like) number of other days" (siirat a6Baqara; 11,
v. 183-5).

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