Ihr~him h. al-Mundhir, quoting 'Abd al-'Aziz h. 'Imriln, quoting Rifz'a h.
Y&yz, quoting Musdh h. Rifz'a h. mfi', from his father M' h. Maik, who
said, 'At the battle of Badr, the enemy was gathered around Ubayy b. Khalaf and
when I drew near him, I saw that his chain-mail had been damaged beneath his
arm pit. So I stabbed him there with my sword. At Badr I was also hit by an
arrow and my eye was gouged out. The Messenger of God (SAAS) spat on it and
said a prayer for me. And no harm had been done to me.'"
This account is unique from this line; its chain of transmission is excellent,
hut the (major) scholars did not quote it. Al-Tihrani, however, related it from a
hadith of Ibrahim h. al-Mundhir.
Ibn Hishk stated, "And Abii Bakr called for his son 'Ahd al-Rahmm who was
at that time on the side of the polytheists, not yet having accepted Islam. Abii
Bakr asked him, 'Well, where's my property now, evil one?' 'Abd al-Rahmw
replied, in verse,
"All that remains are weapons and the horse Ya'bah, and
a sword with which to kill silly old men."
By this he meant that all that was left was equipment for warfare and a horse,
named Ya'bnb, on which misguided old men could he fought. This is what he
said in his state of disbelief.
We have been informed in al-Umawi's work on the military campaigns that
the Messenger of God (SAAS) and Abii Bakr went out and walked among the
dead, the former commenting, "We're splimng the chieftains apart," the latter
reciting the verse,
"Of powerful men who were against us; they were very
haughty and evil!"
An Account of how the heads of the unbelievers were thrown into the
well at the battle of Badr.
Ihn Ishaq stated, "Yazid h. RiimZn related to me, from Wrwa, from 'A'isha, who
said, 'When the Messenger of God (SAAS) ordered that those killed should he
thrown into the burial pit, it was done. Umayya b. Khalaf, however, was not
thrown in because he had swollen up in his armour and quite filled it. When they
went to take him out of it, his body fell apart so they left him in it and threw on
him the earth and the stones they had removed.
"'Having thrown them into the pit, he stood over them and said, "0 denizens
of the pit, have you found what your Lord promised you to he true, for I have
found what my Lord promised me?"'
"She went on, 'His Companions asked him, "0 Messenger of God, are you
talking to people who are dead?"