The Future For Islam

(Tuis.) #1

Ibn 'As&ir commented after this hadith: "It is hasan gharib (good but

Regarding the narrative given by Umm Salama, Yiinus b. Bakayr stated, on the
authority of Muhammad b. Ishaq, who said, "Al-Zuhri related to me, from Aha
Bakr h. 'Abd al-Rahman h. Hzrith b. Hishb, that Umm Salama, God bless her,
said, 'When events turned threatening and even violent in Mecca for the
supporters of the Messenger of God (SAAS), and actual harm was done to them
because of their faith, while the Messenger of God (SAAS) was unable to defend
them, being himself under the protection of his family and his uncle, so that he
experienced none of their sufferings, he told them, "In Abyssinia there is a king
who allows no one to be persecuted in his domain. So go to his country until such
time as God provides for you some relief and solution to your troubles."
"'And so we did set out in groups and rejoined one another there. We found
hospitality, friendship and security to engage in our religion in Abyssinia, and
had no fear of harm.
"'When Quraysh saw that we had gained accommodation and security there,
they were angered and agreed to make representations to the Negus to remove
us from his country and send us back to them.
"'They therefore dispatched 'Amr h. al-'AS and 'Abd Allah h. Ahii Rahi'a.
They gathered gifts for the king and for all his generals, without exception. They
told their two envoys, L'Give a present to each general before you speak among
them, and then give the king his gifts. And if you are able to have him hand over
the exiles to you without him speaking to them, then do so."
"'The envoys did go to the king, not having omitted giving the presents to
each of his generals. They then addressed them, saying, "We have only come to
see the king about some fools of ours who have abandoned their people and their
religion, and who have not joined your faith. Their people have sent us to have
the king return them to them. When we speak with him, then indicate that he
should do so." They agreed to this.
"'The envoys then gave their gifts to the Negus. The most favoured of their
gifts from Mecca to him were leather products."'
Miisa b. Wqba related that they presented to him a mare, a gown and a silk
Umm Salama continued, "When they took their gifts in to him, they told him,
'0 king, some of our foolish young have abandoned their people's religion and
have not entered your faith. They have come here with a fabricated religion we
do not know and have taken refuge in your land. Their tribes, their own fathers
and uncles, have sent us to you so that you wiU return these people to them.
They know them best. They will not adopt your faith, and you should prevent
them from doing so.'
"The king was angered at this and replied, 'No! By God's life, I will not return
them to them before summoning these people and talking to them to discover

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