made by that speaker. This remains a structural definition, since
it is not constrained temporally.
For each utterance, the tokens^35 are compared with those
recorded in the register for each actor, counting those tokens
that are shared between the utterance and its speaker’s own
register (selfshared; AKA self-repetition) and counting those
tokens which are shared with utterances recorded in the registers
of each of the other speakers (othershared; AKA allo-repetition).
Then the speaker’s register is updated to contain the most
recently processed utterance. The token counts are conducted for
each level of n-gram. Repetitions of n-grams (again, 1 ≤ n ≤ 3)
are recorded as counts with respect to the values in the registers
as either “SelfShared” or “OtherShared” tokens. In measuring
the degree of sharing for a turn ui, these figures are regarded as
proportions of the total number of n-grams for each level of n
that could have been shared, given the length of ui, between the
turn and the immediately preceding turns as recorded in the
registers for each actor. In analyzing the three levels of n it is
useful to think of there actually being two levels, lexical
(unigrams) and phrasal (bigrams and trigrams), and therefore
this factor is accordingly presented in terms of a derived factor
Nbar with levels “1” and “2+.”
The actual repetition values are then compared with those
derived from some number (ten, in each of the experiments
here) of randomized reorderings of the turns (AKA
contributions). The constituent words within any individual
contribution are left intact in their original order; the reordering
is of entire turns with respect to other turns into a random
partial ordering. This method supports the level of repetition
analysis by speaker or aggregated across speakers comparing
self-repetition and self-repetition of sequences as manifest in
actual dialogues and their turn-randomized counterparts. Forms
of repetition are deemed significant in their visibility when the
difference between the actual and randomized counterparts is
statistically significant.
(^35) The tokens are in sequences—sequences of words or sequences of POS
tags, etc., depending on the choice of tokenization.