other. Okay? You had indicated something to the
effect that if we didn’t want to prove his innocence,
that you would accept what the State offered?
CARNES I understand that he is innocent right now until
proven guilty. So if they prove him guilty, I would
accept the fact that he is guilty, if they prove him to
be guilty.
MURPHY Okay. I guess I didn’t understand what you meant
when you said if we didn’t want to prove his
CARNES And then I said until they prove him guilty. When
they prove him guilty, then he is guilty, when they
prove he is guilty.
MURPHY Okay. When you say when they prove him guilty,
what do you mean?
CARNES When they prove that he did it, when they come up
with all of the evidence that he did it.
MURPHY I suppose I’m having some problems with that. It
sounds like you expect them to do that.
WOLFE Object.
CARNES No, I don’t. I said—
COURT Sustained.
CARNES Well, I should have said if they do.
COURT Ms. Carnes, let me say when there is an objection,
you need to stop talking.