14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

106 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples


Teaching Plan—Varied Learning Activities

Connect with Life

  1. Do a web search for Hoarders Full Episodes or go to
    http://www.aetv.com/hoarders/video/. Show (either on a laptop or on
    a projector/monitor) the brief introductory promo that takes
    place before each of the episodes. Say, The cable television show,
    Hoarders, chronicles the trials and tribulations of people who can’t
    throw anything away. The writer of our Study Guide tells of one
    apartment manager who had a couple whom she had to evict. They
    were living in total squalor. She had warned them in writing about
    their behavior. Finally, after months of pleading, she had to forcefully
    evict them. Why? During their entire time in the apartment, almost
    a year, they hadn’t once taken out the trash. The property manage-
    ment company needed to bring in a forty-foot dumpster just to clean
    out the apartment!

  2. Say, If we are not watchful, filth can fill our lives. In fact, slavery to
    sin doesn’t occur overnight. It is a process of hoarding evil thoughts,
    attitudes, and actions over a long period of time. The Bible’s call to
    purity is the antidote to a life of suffocating sin. Today we will con-
    sider how we can pursue purity in an impure world.

Guide Bible Study

  1. Read Psalm 24:1–6, a description of pure worship. Emphasize the
    major points as described in the Study Guide—(1) God as Creator,
    and (2) Requirements for Worship. Give special attention to two
    rhetorical questions from the Scripture: Who may ascend the hill
    for the Lord? Who may stand in his holy place? Lead the class in
    a discussion of these questions. Ask, Why is the concept of purity
    important in our worship of God?

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