14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples

(WallPaper) #1

122 14 Habits of Highly Effective Disciples


Understanding the Context

Deuteronomy literally means “second law” and is thematically centered
on “instruction to the nation.” Traditionally divided into five sections,
Deuteronomy is presented as an extended sermon from Moses to the
Hebrew people encamped on the plains of Moab poised to cross into the
Promised Land. The third address, Deuteronomy 6–11, builds upon the
first of the Ten Commandments, “you shall have no other gods before
me,” (Deuteronomy 5:7, Exodus 20:3) and calls on people of faith to
ground obedient actions into the centrality of worshiping God and God
Deuteronomy 8 seeks specific application of this overarching empha-
sis by exhorting the people to acknowledge that their imminent success
and garnering of resources in the new land will be a by-product of the
Lord’s ongoing provision and the people’s careful observance of the laws
of God. In other words, highly effective disciples develop a habit of grati-
tude in recognition of resources being a blessing from the Lord.
In Matthew 25 the Parable of the Talents challenges the disciple
to transition this gratitude into a lifestyle of consistent stewardship.
Having received an abundance of resources from the Lord, the disciple
is to develop those assets in a way that advances the kingdom of God.
Jesus, who was frequently credited as teaching with authority and skill,
conveyed almost a third of his teaching in the form of parables.
This particular parable in Matthew 25:14–30 is the final parable
in the Gospel of Matthew and is part of a broader discourse on judg-
ment, Jesus’ return, and the coming kingdom of God (Matthew 23–25).
Jesus understood that as he neared and entered Jerusalem (Matthew 26),
the messianic expectations of his disciples would crescendo. This final
parable is therefore laying the foundation for how Jesus anticipates his
followers will approach this next phase of ministry. Like the man going
on a journey, Jesus has entrusted valuable gifts to his servants. He will
eventually return and expects his disciples to live in the interim with a
habit of faithful stewardship.

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